Thursday, February 9, 2012

3 days overdue has anyone tried pure lavender oil bath?

Sounds like a relaxing thing to do. But honestly sweetie as much as you want to deliver, I'm sure you also want your baby to come when it's time. Only baby really knows that and as excited as you are please remember that baby will be healthier without added stress of induction.

Best of luck - and congratulations on the most wonderful gift you will ever receive!

3 days overdue has anyone tried pure lavender oil bath?
i have never heard of this before but there are plenty of other things to try tho. here are a list that might help you out a little. i hope your baby comes soon and good luck, also congrats.

Many women will swear by one or all of these, however, not all women will go in to labour with any method of induction.


Sexual intercourse

Orgasm with or without a partner

Nipple stimulation

Certain foods (i.e. spicy foods, oily salads)

Bumpy car rides

Strenuous activity

Visualisation (using the power of thought and imagination)

Castor oil

Certain herbs and homeopathics (black and blue cohosh, caulophyllum, etc.)
Reply:I have never heard of that before, but walking is very good. Just relax, the baby will come when ready. That due date is just an approximate date. It generally means 2 weeks before or after this date. Very few people actually have babies on that date.
Reply:I don't think all that stuff works but I do believe in sex. Just be careful, take it easy and please don't try Castor oil.. I did, bad bad decision.
Reply:NO but i put bio oil in my bath last night and it was so relaxing

Try sex sex sex this should bring things on

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