Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Lavender vine?

I bought a vine the other day at a greenhouse.. they couldn't find any info. on the plant and neither can I.. the only tag on it says lavender.. but its a vine.. any tips on taking care of it??

Lavender vine?
Can you describe the plant for us? What color are the leaves, what shape are they, what do the flowers look like... A picture would be great.

There aren't any lavenders that are vines. Perhaps the grower put "lavender" on it meaning that it has a lavender colored flower and not meaning it is a lavender (Lavandula) plant.

I bought a Verbena before and the tag just said "red" - no botanical, common name or anything. I knew the plant anyway but the label was NOT helpful!!

EDIT: Could it be Cleome? They come in a range of colors with five pointed leaves. http://www.missouriplants.com/Pinkalt/Cl...
Reply:No lavender vines. Has it got a grey 'bloom' to the leaves (probably ordinary lavender). Perhaps its got the wrong label - can you put a photo on the net.
Reply:have something for it to trail on and good sun. water when dry

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