Saturday, February 11, 2012

What's the best way to have your guests relax at a party?

Being friends with all guests mean I'm confident in engaging conversation and flowing from person to person - however, a majority don't know each other. What's the best technique for making them more... 'approachable'. Will having the smell of lavender or camomile in the air make them too relaxed? Alcohol makes them too 'easy', and no, I'm not going to pass around marijuana.

What's an effective way of having them enjoy food music and company without being too self-conscious?

What's the best way to have your guests relax at a party?
good music, good food and some alcohol i agree people being drunk is just plain annoying, introduce peopel to each other! usually people gel with one another when introduced etc... and make sure its an equal mix, not too many couples! i remember as a single person that when i went to a party most women behave as though you are going to steal their partner because you dont have one ! amusing to begin with but then you feel isolated! not a good feeling!

have fun!!!
Reply:less cloths always helps... Have a pool party....
Reply:From your question I guess the answer must be, 'Don't try too hard.' Don't know your friends, but my experience is that if you give them a drink to start them off, introduce them to a couple of people they'll get on fine. You only plunge in when you see that a couple or individual is not participating. Leave them to it.
Reply:Make them all wear a mask.
Reply:Get every person to tell the story of their scar. Best ice-breaker/conversation starter ever! Or you could slp it into conversation if being a little more subtle and sophisticated...
Reply:How about having a theme like a cocktail party, fondue party, fancy dress, murder mystery, that way there is a focal point to talk about befor the alcohol sets in and does it's job. The best way to ralax your guests is to be relaxed yourself and keep the drinks topped up.
Reply:Get a nice Board game like Trivia pursuit something every one can enjoy talk about will be a good ice-breaker
Reply:build a few joints and chill out.
Reply:I vote for the board games too. And maybe pair up strangers together on a team for Trivial Pursuit. When two people have to work together, they'll get to know each other better. Then for the next game, switch up the teams again so they're with a different stranger. I guarantee there will be a lot of laughter. And let the food and booze flow freely!
Reply:Have some light, easy-listening music playing. Set furniture up so that people will have to sit in small circles and face each other and group of 4-5. Place food in a central location. Introduce people to others as they come in and if you can mention something about them (that's not embarrasing) that could spark conversation with another guest with the same interest.
Reply:alcohol is the only answer. Lots of it.
Reply:give them all some annestetic
Reply:A food fight?
Reply:no need to pass around a spliff just make a cake lol they wont even know they r havin it lol or alternatively ll walk i the room naked lol that's real ice breaker lol
Reply:ketamine is a laugh
Reply:You may want to try to have the food interactive or ask your guests to helps you with the last minute preparations. If you ask to of your friends to cut up something, those two will most likely begin to talk to each other. Ask another couple of people to help set up the drinks, they'll start to talk to each other. If you do this it will help break the ice with people and they will find something to talk about.

Hope your party is a success. :)
Reply:Greet/welcome guests at the front door - as they come in. Thank them for coming. Direct them to the food or drink area. Tell them to make themselves at home. If you are confident and relaxed, it will help your guests feel the same. During the party, mingle, and introduce people to one another (who don't know each other). You could personalize the introductions like, Sam this is Amy, we work together at so-and-so and vice versa. At a sit-down dinner party, seat people next to someone they don't know. That will give everyone a chance to meet someone new and strike up a conversation. Some people are more comfortable in relaxed attire or an informal setting -- depends on the kind of party you're hosting. Have everything ready, food drinks etc., so you can have more time with your guests. Hope your party is a big success.
Reply:ok, from one human to another, let me tell you the secret, first, before all guests have arrived, hire some strippers and a midget juggler, then as the guests enter, heve them remove all clothing and drink three shots of tequila... oops you said no alcohol, or weed, ok... have them each eat a peyote button, then invite them in to view the stripper and midget juggler act, after they start getting off on the peyote, play a game of twister with loud jungle music playing, to make it more interesting, perhaps a large bottle of olive oil would help.
Reply:Cannabis Fairy Cakes
Reply:Try a board game like "Scattergories" or "Uno"

these are quick game play games so, they won't be too lengthy to complete, or if someone needs to toilet, they can sit one out and everyone won't have to wait. (which can get weird if someones taking a 'bit too long' if you know what I mean)

Have cocktails, it will help get laughter going!
Reply:Get 'em
Reply:buffalo wings do the trick and are quite tasty and potato skings and mozzerella sticks
Reply:Create a focal point of attention that allows a general subject of discussion to circulate the room thus allowing all to enter into conversation without wondering what it is they are expected to say , put a general question to all about world events or even what you should have done to the garden , everyone has opinions and everyone likes to voice them .

How about suggesting you all have a laugh at yahoo answers and read out some of the questions everyone will have their say and it will allow others to judge what kind of wit they can expect from each other , everyone feels safe when their laughing at someone else .
Reply:have alot of wine
Reply:Give them all a badge.

Tell them to put on it their name and 1 unknown fact about themselves.

Then they can talk to each other (with out saying, oh Whats your name, or, i forgot your name again)

Its a starting point -Have to say, I've never tried it, i normally use the alcohol %26amp; marijuana trick - but good luck, tell us what you did and how it went.
Reply:On a strip of paper write down 1 fact about each person like my favorite all time sport is rugby.

Place all the strips in a fishbowl, and have each person take one go around the room and have a person read the strip and then everyone has to guess what fact goes with which person..and why they guessed it!

Always brings alot of laughs to my parties...and leaves great opening topics for people drinking or drugs needed!
Reply:booze and more booze... then call it a cocktail party!

alcohol relaxes people...just don't over do it or they'll be throwing up all over the place.
Reply:Planning an entertaining party, a menu, and an evening with guests can be quite intimidating. But with these tips and some planning, you will have a wonderful time at your own party! You'll find basic tips on this page, and on the following pages, I'll give you a menu and countdown timetable chart you can use to plan your party.


Don't be afraid to ask for help when planning your party. From the butcher at the grocery store to the florist, most people are happy to give advice. Think about hiring a high school student for help ahead of time with cleaning or shopping, or even help in the kitchen the day of the party.

Shop first. If you buy as much as possible well ahead of party time, you will be assured of best quality as well as a well-stocked pantry. You may have to revise the party menu if you can't find certain ingredients, and if you don't want to do this, you may have to order foods.

Clean, clean, clean! A clean house is not only welcoming, but you will feel more comfortable knowing that a guest isn't going to come upon an unexpected mess. The kitchen and bathroom are the rooms I pay special attention to.

Setting and decorating the table and the dining room for your party is really fun. If your dining room can be closed off, set it a few days ahead of time. Keeping kids and pets away from a set table is important, so close the doors!

Prepare foods that can be made ahead and store in the refrigerator or freeze.

Follow your timetable, go over lists and make sure to check off each task for the party as you complete it.

I like to set out each serving dish along with its utensil and place a small card next to it with the name of the food that it will hold. This way you can calmly take foods out of the oven or fridge and just place on the serving tray, then start eating!

Try to plan so you have very little to do on the actual day of the party. Take time to relax, take a bubble bath, go for a stroll, or sit in your beautiful, clean house and enjoy before the guests arrive.

And have fun! A relaxed host and hostess are key to the best party. If you're enjoying yourself, your guests will be happy and relaxed too.

How to Plan a Dinner Party: Timetables

This sample menu, with recipes and timetable, will help you plan your own party. You can adapt it to your own schedule, recipes, and parties by working backward from serving time. Choose your eating time, then subtract the time each recipe takes to bake and prepare. Write down your timetable, allowing extra time for possible problems, and build in time so you can relax too. Figure out what time you need to start preparing each dish, then follow your timetable carefully. I like to post my timetable right on my refrigerator so it doesn't get lost amid all the cookbooks and counter clutter. You'll have a great time at your party!


Purchase food and supplies, except strawberries.

If melons aren't quite ripe, place together in closed paper bag on the countertop.

Set table if your dining room can be closed off, clean the house.

Prepare meat sauce for the Manicotti, cover and refrigerate.

Prepare salad dressing for Fruit Bowl, cover and refrigerate.

Prepare French Bread, wrap well and freeze.


Prepare Chocolate Cake, cover well and store at room temperature.

Finish cleaning.

Check over recipes and make sure you have correct supplies and enough of each ingredient, as well as ice and drinks.

Purchase strawberries and other last minute items.

Prepare Manicotti, cover well and refrigerate.

Prepare Fruit Bowl (except for strawberries), mix with dressing, cover and refrigerate.


Put last minute touches on table settings.

Arrange centerpiece.

Prepare crudites (fresh vegetables) for the Pesto Dip, arrange on platter, cover and refrigerate.

Prepare Pesto Dip, cover and refrigerate.

Take time for yourself, to relax, think about the fun you're going to have, go over your lists one last time.


Welcome guests.

I like to have appetizers set out just as guests arrive. When the doorbell rings, pull out your prepared Pesto Dip and platter of crudites and set it on the coffee table in your living room.


Bake Manicotti.

Put French Bread, wrapped in foil, in oven for last 25 minutes of Manicotti baking time, on rack next to Manicotti.

Pour drinks on table, light candles.

Wash and dry strawberries; slice.

Pull Fruit Bowl out of refrigerator, add strawberries, and place on table.

Slice warm bread, arrange on platter.

Eat and have fun!
Reply:make it clothes optional
Reply:you need to make sure that the party provides a comfort zone for every guest. Make sure that they're all relaxed. Put some music on so theres no akward silences, and if worst comes to worst at least they can talk about the music. Dont leave your guests alone for too long if they dont know each other as you may be their only mutual friend and without you they're as good as strangers.
Reply:Feed them tranquilizers in their cocktails!

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