Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Why does lavender smell good in perfume wats w/ it?

uhmm wats w/ d lavender dat make perfume smells so good?????? n can it be a perfume????answer me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111

Why does lavender smell good in perfume wats w/ it?
Lavender is a flower.

It's used as a component in many perfumes and is a known aphrodisiac.

It shouldn't be too hard to find a lavender scented body spray at your local mall.
Reply:laveder is aflower with pleasant smell to attaract the insects for pollination ,due to the defience of nitrogen its produces the chemical which is used in perfume as a asphodisics its very expenseive, it will be in the big malls dear
Reply:lavender is a flower.means to wash, the romans did exactly that

Its great for making potpourri,lavender body splash

When used in wedding bouquets , used as a sign of best wishes and good luck,

also known as a mood enhancer, to make u feel great.

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