Thursday, February 9, 2012

Does anyone know about lavender plants?

Yes, but lavender is a family of some 25- 30 plants native to the western half of the Mediterranean and Africa. For anything like a true look at the family you will have to try searching the Lamiaceae family for Lavandula angustifolia (also Lavandula spica) references.

In the garden;

These plants will not survive damp winter rains without excellent drainage or summer humidity without good air circulation and lots of sun.

It is considered an herb. It is a semi-woody, semi-evergreen perennial, growing in an upright mounding clump. Like many plants grown for their essential oils, a lean soil will encourage a higher concentration of oils. An alkaline and especially a chalky soil will enhance lavenders fragrance.

It takes about three years for Lavender to reach full size. Plants should be pruned every year immediately after bloom to keep a compact shape and encourage repeat flowering.

Cooking with lavender. It is a member of the mint family and is close to rosemary, sage, and thyme. It is best used with fennel, oregano, rosemary, thyme, sage, and savory.

Lavandula angustifolia, English or True lavender, is in common use.

Lavandula translates as "to wash", referring to an extract of Lavender being used as an oil in the bath.

angustifolia translates as "narrow-leaved".

L. dentata has square teeth on the leaf edge.

L. latifolia, broadleaf or spike lavender produces harsher more camphoraceous oil used in soaps and oils.

L. stoechas (French/Italian/Spanish lavender) are often planted since they are very hardy, but these have very high camphor content in their oil.

These are listed in the order of their bloom period.

1) Early blooming species, which include Spanish, Yellow, Sweet, French, and Woolly Lavender. L. stoechas

Most familiar of these is Spanish Lavender, with its dark purple, pineapple-shaped flower heads.

2) The large leaved, tall English Lavenders include Hidcote and Munstead. L. angustifolia

3) The Lavandins are English Lavender Hybrids. Provence and Grosso are the best known of these, but there are others.

Does anyone know about lavender plants?
Lavender is a fairly large group of plants. They like bright light and fairly open soil with good drainage. They are also fairly drought tolerant and we use them a lot here in So. Cal. as landscape plants. The dried flower spikes can be used as a sachet in closets and drawers (natuaral moth repelent) and in cooking.
Reply:I have them in my garden. They are perennial and smell nice if you brush by them.

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