Thursday, February 9, 2012

Exploding Lavender?

My wife and I recently visited Provence, and during our stay we were told of a genus of Lavender that explodes quite violently if you bend over too close to it. The farmer who told us this also pointed out several inhabitants of the village who had lost fingers and ears and noses as a result of this strange plant's nervousness. 2 days before we left, a cat was blown in half in a nearby field. Does anyone else know of this?

Exploding Lavender?
There is a variety of lavender where the flowers open rapidly that is sometimes called exploding lavender. The stories about the farmer's losing their fingers and the dead cat are myths or jokes. Perhaps they spread these rumors to keep people out of their fields.
Reply:Exploding lavender does not take away fingers or kill cats. That is a myth.
Reply:i always get a lavender plant in the spring she never last to next season!

mybe she explode herself?
Reply:That must make it very difficult to harvest. I wonder why we don't hear of the military using it.
Reply:never heard of it.might be a myth.

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