Saturday, February 11, 2012

Is giving your your child chamomile and lavender tea harmful?? any advise?

i give my 18 month old son herbel tea i need serious answers

Is giving your your child chamomile and lavender tea harmful?? any advise?
my husband grew up drinking chamomile tea every night...his mom called it "smart tea" he drank up every night to absorb the smart....but actually his mom was the one who was helps you sleep!!! i give it to my children as well...i see no harm...

Reply:teas are not harmful however i would not give lavender tea to a little boy because it can cause breast enlargement in boys
Reply:A child that age does not need caffiene. If the tea does not contain this, it is probably safer, but it may contain a lot of acid, which baby is not ready for.

Best to be very careful
Reply:I think it's safe. Read the box any way.
Reply:No. It's natural. I believe chamomile tea is for when a child has colic or some sort type related discomfort.

Some doctors don't believe in Grandma's family tradition remedies.
Reply:my mother gave my son green tea at that age. i never saw any harm in it. because, im sure, its not the ONLY thing your child drinks during the day, and there are many other opportunities for your child to get the vitamins and nutrients offered in milk and juice, a cup during the day should not cause any problems. i would, however, cut it with some water, maybe half and half, because of the caffeine. my son is now 2 and loves tea. the antioxidants are wonderful for your body anyway
Reply:It may have some caffeine in it if it's not a totally pure tea.

Tea, in general, is NOT bad for anyone, unless they can't handle caffeine. However, try and make sure that he drinks plenty of water, because depending on how strong the tea was brewed, his pee may come out a funny color. (Been there, done that.)
Reply:i gave it to my son when he was just two months old and he came out fine. it made the colic go away.
Reply:You don't explain why you did that. I don't believe

A baby have the need to dring tea,but I'm sure your

Baby is going to be fine. don't worry!.
Reply:You came to the right forum to get serious answers. Ever think of checking with your pediatrician before doing something this irrational ??????
Reply:in small doses i doubt it they are both health drinks .not drugs.

the lavender may be a bit heavy ,but he wont get moldy .

the chamomile probably make him sleep good.
Reply:Probably isn't going to hurt him, but he's just a baby! When he's thirsty, give him water. Don't train him to only drink things that are flavored - he'll grow up to drink soda all the time.
Reply:Why on earth do you think an 18 month old needs herbal tea? Give him natural juices (orange, apple, any of the Juicy-Juice flavors). Avoid craberry juice because there is too much sugar in it. I don' think the tea is harmful (unless he's allergic to the particular herbs) but I think it's totally unnecessary and has no health benefits to him at all.
Reply:You need to ask your Dr., but I do NOT think it is a good idea!!

Give him natural juice, but only 4oz. a day of any juice is recommended for children these days!!

Give him the best thing in the world to drink-- WATER!!

Also, many Dr, don't think to tell women, but if you breast- fed your baby, they need tap water, or if bottled, be sure it has flouride in it-- babies %26amp; young children are getting cavities because breast milk has no flouride, of course, then when off the breast, if not drinking water with flouride, you have problems!!

By the way, all the herbal teas seem to be safe, but there is noregulation on tthem, so the companies don't have to list all their ingredients-- I know one Dr. wife who miscarried a child after drinking herbal teas, so be careful if getting pregnant!!
Reply:Its not harmful too him, but do not give him too much, try water juice and milk they are much better for a child of his need to remember that he needs the vitamins and minerals these things provide him to become strong and healthy......
Reply:i wouldnt think it would hurt them...those are all naural herbs.

as a matter of fact...ive been told that ginger tea will calm an upset tummy. i would still ask a pediatrition but i think its safe. it should even calm him.
Reply:It shouldn't be...chamomile works with the immune system, so that might actually help. Lavender works to help him settle.

One *possible* argument might be that at that age their body isn't as capable to fight any potential harmful effects. But to be honest....if you keep a close eye, watch how much yu give and don't go overboard it most certainly will do good.

(I tried to quit smoking using among others really helps to calm someone down)
Reply:No, it will not hurt him. However if you are concerned you should give your Doctor a call and ask him/her... Herbal tea is good for everyone. Helps w/ immunity and detox. Hope this helps....
Reply:i do not think i would hurt him.

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