Saturday, February 11, 2012

Why does lavender make me sick:'-(?

if i smell a lavender candle or anything lavender scented i start sweating, get dizzy and sumtimes throw up. even thinking about the smell makes me feel sick. why??!!

Why does lavender make me sick:'-(?
you might be allergic to it....
Reply:must be some content which you're allergic to!!!

all i know about lavendar is that it increases your sexual inhibition %26amp; relaxes you!!!!!
Reply:As everyone has mentioned here, you may have a very intense allergy to lavender and strong-scented things. My best piece of advice would be to consult your doctor.
Reply:because it is a herb and you may be allergic to it
Reply:I get that reaction and worse with Lupins and Carnations and household pepper - It is called an Allergy?
Reply:it makes me sick too!

People with allergies to lavender may experience skin irritation after contact, and should avoid lavender in all forms.

Side Effects and Warnings

Mild rash can develop after applying lavender oil. Reports describe increased sun sensitivity and changes in skin pigmentation after applying products containing lavender oil. Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, constipation, headache, chills, confusion and drowsiness are sometimes reported after inhaling lavender or absorbing it through the skin, or after large doses of lavender or perillyl alcohol (derived from lavender) are taken by mouth. The essential oil of lavender may be poisonous if taken by mouth.

Drowsiness can occur after lavender aromatherapy. More severe drowsiness or sedation may occur when lavender is used with other sedating agents. Use caution if driving or operating heavy machinery. In theory, lavender used by mouth may increase the risk of bleeding. Individuals with bleeding disorders or taking drugs that may increase bleeding should use caution. Dosing adjustments may be necessary.

Some cancer patients have experienced low blood cell counts (neutropenia) after taking high doses of perillyl alcohol by mouth.
Reply:If even theough tought of it makes you sick, I wonder if it could have some type of psychological association...something upsetting event may have happened that you now associate with the smell of lavender. Ex: visitng someone in the hospital, going to a funeral, or something else traumatic. just might be allergic.
Reply:could be your allergic to it.its like me i cant smell instants it makes me dizzy and gives me headaches.
Reply:The same reason that cilantro makes me sick.


My migraines are triggered by odors, and other things.

The things that you smell can make you sick.
Reply:Lavender is for luck,but not for you.You are probably allergic.
Reply:nobody are perfect

my daughter dont like perfum

i hate alcool

you wil see perfect behaviors
Reply:Lavender is a Mint. There are over 800 Mints. They include Teas and Catnip as well as Lavender and all the easily noticeable Mints ( ones with Mint in their name).

Mints can be tricky because while they have great use with some people, others are allergic to them.

In the case of Lavender, there are some animals and insects that are prodomeniently repelled or allergic to Lavender. In some Countries it is used to keep away insects and scorpions.

Now as I said some people are allergic to it. Some people are actually even deathly allergic to it ( exposer gives an anaphilactic reaction, meaning they have trouble with organs and have oxygen cut off).

It is very posible that were you to ingest Lavender, you would be one of those people. You should inform your Doctor. They may or may not make a note of this and may or may not have you tested.

It is also posible you are allergic to another ingrediant in Candles, that brand of candle, or that is coupled with certain scents to mimics them or preserve them.

Added: Jeez,.. what's with all the Thumbs Down. Some people just think Allergies are "In-Your-Head" but YESH! Luckily, if they are ever rushed to the Emergency Room.. the Employees will give them shots and treatment so they can breath again. Hopefully the people around them won't put it off to the point they will need a trakia ( That's when your Allergic Reaction is so bad, they have to cut open your throat and put a tube down to your lungs).

If anyone is wondering I didn't cut and paste like a couple people here. I did some research into Mints last year. I found out for SOME Babies, Lavender Treats Colic,.. but as is the way with Mints quite enough Babies die from an Allergic Reaction.. so most Countries DO NOT USE this Treatment.
Reply:I get that same feeling with lavendar! Same with mint chewing gum if you chew it too long. I don't know why though.
Reply:Lavender is really over powering- I used to work in a nursing home and half of the residents owned something if not everything in lavender!

lavender is supposed to be relaxing but it works the opposite for the younger generation!

maybe you were born in a lavender field!!

Flic x x
Reply:Because when your body is not getting the oxygen it needs, your lips (and nail beds) will turn purple.

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