Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Looking for name of tree with fern-like leaves and lavender flowers. leaves look like chinese silk tree?

The tree you are looking for is the Jacaranda mimosifolia.

Better know by those who own one as the Mess-o-randa. A beautiful large street tree when seen in full bloom at this time of the year. So beautiful that thousands run to the nursery each year because they have to have one in their yard. Most will regret planting it. The better idea is to get your neighbor to put one in so you can enjoy it's beauty without all it's problems. It is not a friendly tree.

Most will give you major root problems as it matures. Pushing up sidewalks, driveways and stuffing your sewers and outside plumbing with invaiding roots. Ever wonder how it got it's nick name? Mess-o-randa.

The tree puts out more litter during the year the any other tree on our planet. At least it seems that way to anyone who has one in their yard. It has no off season of mess. It starts off right about now with it's daily raining of those pretty lavender blue flowers. I San Diego we call it the the blue mulch of summer. It will cover the area under and around the tree with enough flower that requires almost daily raking. If allowed on the ground for more then a few days it will start to act as a thick mulch and will start to kill off the lawn. The blue mulch will continure well into mid july. just as you think the worst is over it starts dropping thousands of it's tiny fern like leaves. You'll need to keep up with them and a weekly basis until about mid september when they really start to fall. They'll need almost daily attention unil thanksgiving. That's when the tiny leaves stop falling and the start of the twig drip. There were about 200 tiny leaves on every 6 - 7 inch twig and about 150 twigs per 12 - 18 inch stem. The twig drop keeps you busy till just after new years. that's when the long stems begin to fall. you get the stems thru april to about mid may. thats when she starts to bloom and the blue mulch starts all over again.

The Mess-o-randa is a nightmare better left for someone with no life except that a a full time cleanup person. Talk to those who have one. Or drive around and see for yourself. You really don't want that tree!

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