Saturday, February 11, 2012

What can i use to absorb smells in my hamsters cage?

My dwarf hamsters are really stinky, is there anything besides sawdust that can be used in their cage to absorb smells? I've tried the lavender scented sawdust but they still stink the day after they've been cleaned out. Could I use cat litter in their cage?

What can i use to absorb smells in my hamsters cage?
The best litter for absorbing odours that I have tried are pellets - there are wood, paper (Yesterdays News), hemp, straw (I find the last ones the best, because they also nice smell so absorbing is better). They are also sometimes sold as cat litters, but they are safe for rodents. Don't use clumping and silica gel litters, they dry out hamster feet and can stuck if a hamster ate it.

The lavender sawdust also isn't good for hamster's health: sawdust is too dusty (bad for lungs and eyes) and scented often cause allergies.

well i do know that they make special odor eater for pets. Can't remember what it's called. Just don't use cedar, ever! the smell of the cedar mixing with the smell of pee is like acid to pets.
Reply:No, don't use that. Are you sure they're well, ours don't stink like that. They do get smelly if they're ill, though.
Reply:Don't use sawdust, pine, or cedar--they're likely to cause illness later in your hamsters' lives, and the oils are quite irritating to them. Rodents have sensitive respiratory systems.

Instead, you could try Carefresh (very absorbent and safe), hemp (I've used it and liked it), aspen (not as good, but smells OK), or Yesterday's News (it's sold as cat litter as well as small pet bedding).
Reply:Buy a big box of baking soda and put a few tablespoons in each corner of the cage after each change.

This worked for me with stinky mice (whew, and boy, do they stink!)
Reply:clean it often as in 2 times a week, and maybe some baking soda in the bottom w/ her pine shavings. i have a hampster but i dont have a oder problem all i do is clean it 2 times a week.
Reply:Carefresh is by far the best. It comes in brown as well as fun colors. However the Ultra Carefresh works the best. It looks clean and is a lot softer.

Carefresh is also safer for the animal because it doesn't cause any respitory problems like many bedding do.

We use it for all the animals at the pet store I work at.

My friend and coworker used to breed hamsters and she swears by the stuff. I also use it for my rat's cage and believe me, rats are very smells if the cages isn't kept clean.
Reply:The is a very good metal disc called a zeilonka smellbuster-its just placed in a dish with water %26amp; removes odours from areas like kitchens %26amp; animal odours.See site below for details.
Reply:my wife and I use cat litter in our rat cages and it works
Reply:use the care fresh bedding it absorbs alot for the most part
Reply:Bicarbonate of soda is supposed to be good at soaking up smells - try an open pot of it in a shallow dish just outside the cage (so that the hamsters cant get to it)
Reply:Always use an unscented bedding like carefresh or aspen chips for small animals' bedding. Scented bedding can cause respiratory problems. There are absorbant cage liners available at most pet stores that will soak up the hamter's urine and you can change that out as often as you need to.
Reply:Hamsters are odorless animals (thank God) and only develop odors if their housing smells. A hamster will only smell as bad as it's cage. NEVER EVER EVER bathe a hamster. As it may die from experience! Try using more bedding and cleaning the cage once a week. Remove urine corners daily and the smell will dissapear.
Reply:I haven't had much luck with baking soda and even special wood chips. Instead, I found a product that is inexpensive and fragrance free and is really FANTASTIC.I use and know so many other people that use it for small animal cages and litter boxes !! It is a natural fragrance free carbon product called FRIDGE IT odor absorbers -little purple cube with an incredible activated carbon filter inside that is great and eliminates odors for a long time. Originally made I guess for fridge, it really works so much better than all those sprays, gels and fragrances that just cover up smells and doesn't get rid of them. Just place one or two near cage and forget about it. No spills or chemicals or powder to worry about. Each only costs a couple of dollars. I use this product everywhere including car(smoke and pet smells), storage, closets, my fridge and and use it on cat litter box and also diaper pails - it's that good and I really recommend it. You can buy it in kitchen gadget sections in stores like linens and things. I also think camping world sells it. I also know you can buy direct easily within just a few days - I have.

Definitely worth trying
Reply:what type of bedding are you using for the cage. I highly recomment Carefresh. There's even a carefresh (the white one I believe) that is supposed to block oders better than the original greyish colored ones.

Also, how regularly do you clean it's cage. I suggest cleaning it every week. Set aside a day and time when you will always remember to clean the cage. The longer the cage does without a cleaning, the worse the cage will smell.

I would not use cat littler only because hamsters will eat their bedding (or at least chew on it). I don't know for sure if cat litter is harmful to hamsters, but why take the chance?

I also believe there is drops you can put in the water to make the waste not as smelly. I know there's some for guinea pigs, rabbits, and ferrets...but not too sure on hamsters.
Reply:Carefresh is by far the best product on the market to eliminate the smell of urine. Its also the safest and cosiest bedding to use. Its available in all good pet stores.


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