Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I have Lavender color room. What color curtain will be suitable for my room?

Purple or Orange.

I have Lavender color room. What color curtain will be suitable for my room?
You know lavender is a difficult color to decorate with, but according to what room you are talking about which I presume is a bedroom, you can go with soft mauve pink, or bone white or soft buttercup yellow. Then of course whatever color you use, you would use that accent color all around the room.
Reply:white or a pearl metallic
Reply:whatch general hospital and look at Carly's living room. She has lavender walls trimmed in white with chocolate brown curtians and furniture with silver accents like candle stick holders, picture frames. It is very pretty Or you could go with a darker purple like egg plant or you could go w/white.
Reply:I agree with Lela. A very light green, or beige or white or off whites, depending on what inhabits the room. You could do a lighter or darker shade of lavender even.
Reply:If you want a more monochromatic look, go for plum or a darker purple than lavender. For a bit of contrast, try a light, minty green. To keep things light, white would do just fine.
Reply:keep it soft a girly - cream/white

more mature and passionate- plum/dark purple

nuts!-greens/oranges/pinks etc (i dont advise though)

lol have fun with wateva u do:)...i had a lilac room..and i had cream curtains and mum sewed a strip of dark purple material about a third up from the bottom:)


Reply:light mossy green, cream, or tan
Reply:purple ,pink but no way green

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