Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Lavender and rosemary problem?

Has anybody else lost any of these? Some of my lavender has died or rather sick(The original of one type is not worth keeping and other plants were originally cuttings from it) - and my rosemary is all raggy at the ends but ok just to prune.

Lavender and rosemary problem?
As far as the Rosemary goes it sounds like frost damage. Are the ends a bit brown especially where the newest soft growth is? Then this is caused by late frosts. If you think the worst of the frosts are over in your area then cut them if not wait a while longer.

Lavender requires very well drained soil in full sun. This may be why yours have died. They also need pruning after flowering every year. If not pruned the old wood splits and the plant dies. It could also be the variety you have. Not all lavenders are hardy. Stoechas for instance will only survive if in a sheltered sunny spot by the house.

Hope that helps :)
Reply:I had a lavender with a similar problem last year, so in the autumn I cut it down to about 4'' from the ground, expecting to have to dig it up and throw it away. I put the job off, and noticed today there are lots of little green shoots growing from it. Looks like it was the (unintentional) right thing to do!
Reply:I used to have lavender bushes in my garden - I found that without pruning then stems would go really woody then the plant would look straggly, then die.

I also had rosemary but it seemed to die off in the cold weather, I've recently planted more and so far, so good (I'm in the UK).
Reply:The lavender needs pruning and feeding and the rosemary is too moist.
Reply:The main thing with Lavender is that there must be sharp sand mixed with the soil.They hate the wet and love a sandy soil as do some herbs.
Reply:My lavender at the moment is quite healthy, but the area where it grows is well drained....perhaps yours is too wet? Sorry, can't help with the rosemary though.
Reply:Both these plants like a well drained soil. It is possible that they have got too cold and wet during the winter.
Reply:what she said

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