Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Is lavender eyeshadow good for dark blue eyes?

i m not pale but fair n a brunette.

Is lavender eyeshadow good for dark blue eyes?
absolutely- u should also try adding some violet shade and icey pink shades with the lavender.
Reply:yes, also try natural colours and green
Reply:Does it look nice to you? I would just go with your own pepceptions on this. Sounds pretty. I always like the lavender with brown eyes, but if your eyes are a darker blue, that might be pretty as well.
Reply:Well actually lavender brings out green eyes and brown brings out blue
Reply:Brown brings out blue
Reply:Not quite, but it depends on a few things, like what you're planning on wearing, the matching of different shades (your eyes color, hair and skin, other make-up products you're using) and, of course and most importantly, I believe, your personal taste.
Reply:oh yaaa thats pretty
Reply:absolutely!! I wear it all of the time. Mix it with some brown tones to really bring out your eyes.
Reply:Sure if its 1966.

Actually, if it isn't appealling to you, and you have to question it here, then probably not. Look in magazines, look around you. Stick with neutrals for day for work or school. If you do want to wear it...remember less is more.
Reply:yes but maybe you should try a gold. Think complimentary colors. The complimentary color to blue is orange. Most people wouldnt wear orange eyeshadow but close to that is gold which REALLY brings out blue eyes. Try it!
Reply:it depends what shade of lavender and how dark your eyes are i have blue eyes and i wear a very light pink eye shadow or a silver one but it also depends on what other makeup u are wearing with it good luck

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