Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pruning a Lavender Plant .How & When?

Most first year plants do not bloom. If they do, blooms should be snipped to encourage vigor and branching. In spring each year, prune and shape plants. This encourages new growth and prevents growth of woody, gnarled stems.

Start when plants are young by pinching out the new growth to encourage lateral branching and by cutting off flower buds in the first year to ensure a larger bush and abundant spikes for the following season.Plants that have NOT been pruned in the beginning of their growing career may not survive heavy pruning. "L. stoechas, L. angustifolia and L. x intermedia may be pruned back by 1/3 to ?. This helps to keep bushes young and healthy. If cut any lower, the stems will die. Lavenders that have not been kept well pruned have a tendency to become woody in the center of the bush." *

Plants should be cut back at least once a year. If done in the fall it should be done well before danger of a hard freeze. "Make sure there are green leaves to be seen when cutting back. If the plant is cut too far back, it may not survive. You can try pruning in increments. In spring, cut back by 1/3 to stimulate new growth. After new foliage has grown in, cut back by 1/3 again to stimulate new growth at base of the plant. If new growth does come, prune back to just above the new growth. Never prune out old wood unless it is completely dead." *

Good luck! Hope this helps.

Pruning a Lavender Plant .How %26amp; When?
You're welcome! I appreciate your voting ;) Report It
Reply:Why is it so hard to start lavender from seed? I live in Colorado, north of Denver and love lavender, but cannot seem to start the plants.

Thanks, I love to use it in my soaps. Report It
Reply:Lavenders should be pruned every year to keep them compact. On established plants use secateurs to remove flower stalks and about 2.5cm (1in) of the current year’s growth, making sure that some green growth remains. At Wisley, pruning is undertaken in late summer after flowering, although spring pruning is recommended by some. L. x intermedia and the less hardy L. stoechas can be pruned after the first flush of flowers. Lavender does not break readily from old wood and neglected specimens are best replaced.
Reply:I've found all my lavender indestructible, always cut the dead flowers away, to insure more flowering
Reply:Once the flowers have died, trim the whole lot off plus about a handswidth of the stalk to keep the bush tidy.

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