Monday, January 30, 2012

Moving plants-lavender?

I planted lavender this summer in different locations. I planted some under a large tree and some in little shade. Dumb of me to plant unde the big tree because now its not really that big as the other. Ugh.. dunno what I was thinking. It is alive but its pretty much flowerless. The one under the least shade is the same but alittle bigger. This is the first year for the plants so is this normal for it not to have any flowering? Is it too late to move plants now if I do it when the sun is down? I was thinking I can dig a hole in the evening, fill it with water and put the plant in and put water in and it will probably be ok. I've done it before and the plants lived typically. When do you plant seeds for next spring?Part of my garden is under a large tree and does not have alot of growth. Can I fill in that area with plants that do well in alot of shade or with grass? Sorry for the dumb questions=)

Moving plants-lavender?
Lavender loves the sun. It needs good drainage also. You did not get flowers due to little sun. You should be able to move your plants, but do not expect flowers this year (depending on your location). If in a cooler area with shorter growing season, wait until Autuum, always a good time to plant shrubs and trees. Seeds, depends on your location, look at the seed packet. If you are in a area that gets frost. You will not be able to plant out annuals, until the frost is over, or need to protect from frost. Nurseries usually have plants for sale very early, they know if you loose your plants to frost, you will be back for more. Don't plant grass under your trees it will not do well. Ferns or hostas will be better. These are not dumb questions. I have moved from Ireland to Florida, and although I have gardened for many years, it is all different here in Florida. We never stop learning. Good Luck with your gardening.

sandals church

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